Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas In Pictures

Caysen liked opening presents this year.  He opened his stocking first where he found two pairs of sunglasses and some goldfish crackers (among other things).  He was so excited about those two items that it took him a while before he decided he wanted to see what was in all the boxes. 

Here he is with his loot ;) 

We had a traditional Christmas meal with ham, prime rib, mashed potatoes, rolls, salad, carrots, green beans, and chocolate pudding cake (Lance's favorite) for dessert. 

Lance was really excited about his Christmas present ;) 

My Grandma "Honey" got to be with us which made my heart happy. 

After presents and food, we went on a little stroll through the neighborhood. 

 It was pretty chilly so Caysen was bundled up.

While on our walk, I was reminded of the beauty that is literally right outside my front door. 

Sometimes I can't believe I live here!

We had a wonderful Christmas blessed with friends, family, and love.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

You're Getting Sleepy

This is what our sweet boy does when he's fighting sleep:

Too Cute!!

Friday, December 2, 2011


Sometimes Caysen just babbles, but other times he is saying actual words...we just can't always figure out what those words are.  He recently started saying "Weee" and we couldn't figure out what he was saying.  Now we know and we think it is absolutely adorable!  He loves his Zoey!!

His speech therapist wanted me to make note of all the words he has (meaninfully) said this week so I thought I'd record it here for memory's sake:

Gramps (ga)
Snack (nack)
Bottle (Bot Bot)
Cup (puh)
Zoey (Weee or Buh-Wee)
Max (Ka)
Blankie (Kee)
Ball (Ba)
Open (O, Op)
More (Mo)
Boat (Bo)
Book (Boo)
Work (Wor)
Dog (Do)
Water (Wa)
Head (He)
Hat (Ha)
Bite (Bot)
Bath (Ba)
