Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

An Open Letter

Dear Social Media,

You have this tendency to make our lives look perfect.  Nothing ever goes wrong.  We are always happy.  We have tons of energy to pour into our handsome, loving husbands, and our well-mannered, adorable children.  We prepare healthy, organic, and delicious meals that we eat while gathered around the dinner table happily chatting about the day. And let’s not forget about our always tidy, never a dirty dish in the sink, magazine-ready homes.  It’s a lot of pressure to try to live up to this expectation you create.  Because let’s face it, life is not perfect. 

Sometimes my husband and I get along and sometimes we don’t.  Sometimes I’m the wife I should be and sometimes I’m not.  Are we committed? Yes.  Are we perfect?  Ummm. No.

Most days, at least one of my children is screaming bloody murder as we load into the car to get where we are going.  The same is true for our return home.  I’m pretty sure our neighbors think we’re horrible parents.  I lose my patience more often than I’d like to admit.  I tell my kids I’ll read to them (or play with them, or take them on a walk) in a minute because I’m too busy scrolling through one of the many news or photo feeds on my phone…my phone that is never more than five feet away from me.  I let my kids watch too much tv (is any tv really necessary?). 

Our eating habits are bi-polar.  I might make a new recipe I found that looks super yummy, but is far from healthy.  Or I might try my hand at a healthy recipe with which my family is less than impressed.  And the big one, we eat Taco Bell, and Donuts, and all kinds of other things that are horrible for our bodies, and you, Social Media, would not approve.

My house.  If it’s clean, it’s only because I’ve neglected my children to scrub and dust, load and unload, fold and put away.  If it’s not clean, it may be because I’m in the moment with my kids.  Or it may be because I don’t feel like cleaning and I’d rather do something mindless like browse the interwebs or peruse those pesky news feeds.  Always the news feeds.

And finally, I’m paranoid.  I’m paranoid someone is going to break into my home and take my babies or hurt me.  On any given day, I’m paranoid that one of the members of our family has some kind of horrific ailment.  I’m afraid of the dark.  I’m a control freak.  I’m emotional.  You never know what (or who) you’re going to get.  Sure, I can put on a normal face and please the crowd, but real me is crazytown.

I’m not going to start putting it all out there for the world to see.  I don't believe in airing out our dirty laundry via status updates.  I prefer to be positive and lift up the people around me.  But I just want you to know, social media, that I’m not perfect, not by a long shot.  Whew!  That felt good!   

Monday, October 20, 2014

Beckett Right Now

Loves Trucks and Buses
Knows most of his letters.
Enjoys "reading" and being read to.
Resists nap time, but sleeps well.
Looks up to Caysen.
Loves stuffed animals.
Would watch tv all day if I let him.
Jumps, runs, dances, and claps.
Looks forward to gymnastics class.
Wants so badly to go to school.
Favorite word is "no".
Rough and Tumble
Still throws a serious tantrum.
Says "I love you" and it melts my heart!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Green Beans


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Fun Run

 Caysen participated in his very first "run" and helped raise money for his school!
I love his little tail from the way-too-big school shirt!
 He gets so excited when Mama (and his brothers) come to see him at school!
 He has captured the heart of his super sweet principal. :)
 Precious Sawyer makes spectating look good!
 And Beckett watched intently.  Just a few more years buddy. ;)
 Proof that I was there!!
And his teacher, Miss Carr, who might just be his first crush! Ha! But seriously, he loves her!!
This school year has been great so far and we couldn't be happier with his teachers and support staff!  He's still trying to adjust to all-day school without a nap, but he's getting there. I am one proud Mama!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Planting Roots

 We bought a house back in mid March.  If you can believe it, our sellers forgot about the closing and were out of town.  We were able to sign our closing docs but had to wait a few days for the sellers to sign their docs and send them to the title company.  After eight months of apartment living, we were so excited to get into our own home again. We had a few projects we wanted to get done before moving day at the end of March, but I was fifteen eight months pregnant so we didn't waste any time tackling/scheduling the projects and getting moved in.  Moving in the third trimester of pregnancy is interesting.  This control freak did not like sitting back and watching everyone else do the heavy lifting.
I took these pics when we got the keys to the house before any work had been done.  Some of them aren't great, but I wanted to remember what our house looked like on day one and how it has changed/changes as we make it our home.
 Living Room
 Dining Room
 Powder Room
 Living Room & Breakfast Nook
 Breakfast Nook & Kitchen
 Master Bedroom
 A Texas Size Master Closet
 Master Bathroom
 Master Bathroom
 Future Nursery
 Jack & Jill Bathroom (with 500 doors!)
 Jack & Jill Bathroom
 Big Boy Room
 Loft Playroom
 Loft Playroom
Loft Playroom 
 Guest Bedroom
 Guest Bathroom
 Entry from Loft Playroom
 Back Yard
Back Yard
We've made several changes and have a large to-do list to get through, but this is where we started.
