Monday, February 22, 2010

Call Me Crazy

I'm sure that some experienced mothers will think I'm crazy for this, but I've decided to try cloth diapers with our baby. Initially, I wouldn't have begun to consider cloth diapers because I was picturing a rectangle piece of fabric loosely safety-pinned togehter. Then, I discovered these and I changed my mind. I'm not a huge environmentalist, but this just seemed so practical and I do like doing what I can to avoid overpopulating the world's landfills. These cloth diapers will also end up saving Lance and I a pretty penny. We will have more than we will probably need for about $350 which is a whole lot less than what it would cost to buy disposables for the whole time our baby is in diapers. Not to mention, we should be able to re-use most of the diapers with any future children so it will just save us that much more. Plus...they come in all sorts of cute colors- who can argue with that :)


Anonymous said...

I thought about using cloth diapers and everyone I asked said NO, lol! But I think when they think of cloth diapers, they think of what you were thinking of at first. The ones they have now are so much better. I am still considering the idea. I wish you could get your baby soon so you could try them out and let me know how you like them! :)

Leslie Kirk said...

I actually know a girl who uses fuzzibunz and she loves them. She has nothing bad to say about them and actually hasn't ever had leaking problems (other than when she used disposables when whe went out of town). It takes committment to keep up with laundry, but if you're going to be staying at home, I don't think that it will be too much to handle. The girl I know bought 18 diapers and washes a load about every 48 hours and she said she could have easily gotten by with only 15! Hope this info helps :)

shawna [of styleberryBLOG] said...

that girl is me & i adore my fuzzi bunz! open to ?'s anytime. If you have to use disposables, the up&ups by target are the best. :) and FYI--FBs get even easier as you start solids & the poops firm up!!
