Thursday, October 28, 2010

Scheduling, Planning, Organizing! Oh What Fun!!!

Steady Days: A Journey Toward Intentional, Professional Motherhood
by Jamie C. Martin
A good infertility/blogger/fb/mama friend of mine recommended this book to me while we were in the process of adopting. I finally picked it up a couple of weeks ago and I love it! If you are a type A personality, and a mama, you have to get this book!!

The book gives great tips and examples on how to parent with intention. The author's point is that we should go about being a mother the same way as we go about any other profession (yes, motherhood is a profession). For example, would you go to the office with no plan of what you are hoping to get done during the day? If we are taking our job seriously, we should make a plan, have a schedule, and follow through. Would you head to work, briefcase in hand, with your jammies on? I don't think so. Not to say that lazy days don't exist, but doesn't the day seem to be a lot more productive if you start with a shower and clean clothes?

As a side note, Steady Mom has one biological child and two adopted children. And she's a Christian. Both things I like and can relate to :)

For more information on the book, you can go to or you can check out the author's blog (which I also follow)

1 comment:

Beth said...

Thanks for sharing this! I can't wait to read the book. I've spent a little too much time on the steady mom blog this afternoon but this really resonates with me. I'm really enjoying your blog, Leslie!
