Tuesday, August 31, 2010
12 Month Checkup
His stats:
13.8 lbs
25 inches
Nope, he's not on the charts, but he's gaining weight and the pediatrician said he is well proportioned, so as long as he contiues to grow steadily, there's no need to worry :)
The poor guy had to get three shots and then we went to the lab to get lots and lots of blood drawn. He cried harder than I've ever seen him cry and it broke my heart. Luckily, he totally blamed the nurses and not me ;)
We got a referral for a physical therapist so hopefully we'll get that going in the next week or so. In the meantime, I'm just continuing to work with him doing what I can and I see improvement every day!
And because we were on our way home from Taiwan on his birthday, I never posted a "what you're up to" blog for Caysen at 12 months. So here's what you've been up to Mr Caysen:
-You can sit up easily using your hands to brace yourself.
-You love it when we lift you up over our heads like an airplane.
-You have started bearing weight on your legs when we hold you up.
-You like your swing and your bouncy seat, but you prefer to play on the floor most often.
-You are pretty attached to Mama and you think your Daddy is pretty great too :)
-You LOVE yogurt!! I think you have a sweet tooth; you turn up your nose at green-beans, but you go crazy for pears!
-You still don't sleep through the night, but you are down to one night-time feeding.
-You know how to throw a back-arching fit! One of these days we'll work on that ;)
-You sleep from about 7:30 pm to 8:00 am and you take two naps during the day.
-You still have the most incredible smile of any baby that ever lived; it melts us every time!!!
Yum, Yum, Yum!

We have to be pretty animated to keep his interest, but he really seems to like it!

One of these days he'll grow into his high chair, for now it's helping him work on his sitting up skills ;)

Saturday, August 28, 2010
Happy Birthday to You!!

Before we left Kaohsiung, Hatchers, Muirs, and Campbells got together to give Caysen a proper 1st birthday party (just a few days early). I wasn't sure how he would do with the cake since he hadn't really tried many solids at that point; silly me, who doesn't like frosting??

Friday, August 27, 2010
Day 2 in Taipei

They have really yummy wontons!!

To see this, Taipei 101:

Until the building in Dubais is finished, this is the tallest building in the world:

We saw this:

And played:

After all of this, day two was still not over. What I didn't mention is that day 2 was August 19th, Caysen's birthday. A separate post is coming about Caysen's birthday celebration(s)...
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Cheng Kai Shek Memorial Hall

We got to watch the changing of the guards, interesting:

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Bead Shop

It was really interesting to watch them make the beads!

I got a necklace with beads that represent Lances, mine, and Caysen's birth months :)

Kenting (Kending)

Holly & Regan

Jason, Kate, & Mia ;)

After dinner, we got to check out the night market. There were SO many people, but it was fun to look around and experience the culture.
There was a mosquito net that was supposed to go around the bed, but I'm pretty sure they put it up in the 50's and hadn't washed it since then, so Lance and I did some remodeling...

It had been a long and exhausting day and we were both beat; but when Lance turned the light off, we were both confused as to why it still looked like daylight in our room.
It only took us a second to realize that this window faced the lobby which stayed lit up (very lit up) at all times. Luckily, I closed the curtains and then it was more like dusk in our room instead of high noon ;)
Other interesting things about the Farworst, I mean Foremost:
The only towels to dry off with were hand towels, really.
There was a bit of an aunt problem.
The way I see it, we wouldn't be able to look back and laugh if we hadn't stayed at the Foremost. It was all part of the experience ;)
Must Stay Awake!

First order of business, food! We tried a Japanese place, it was really good!

Blog Archive
- 12 Month Checkup
- Yum, Yum, Yum!
- Caysen's Birthday in Taipei
- Caysen's Pre-Birthday in Kaohsiung!
- Happy Birthday to You!!
- Day 2 in Taipei
- Cheng Kai Shek Memorial Hall
- Bead Shop
- Kenting (Kending)
- Must Stay Awake!
- Taiwan Funnies
- Lagging
- One Very Happy Family :)
- Please Pray
- Temporary Home(s)
- First...
- Date Night ;)
- Good News!!!We got our decree in the mail a few da...