Thursday, April 15, 2010

He's Pretty Tough

Caysen wants to show you that he's doing just fine, and he's enjoying his new "toy" that the nice people at the hospital gave him:

"Hi mom and dad, don't worry about me, I'm great."

"I've even got a hand to hold just in case I get scared."

"All of this extra attention makes me pretty happy."

"Do you want to look at my new toy? It's pretty amazing!"

We got an update on Caysen and he's still his usual cheerful self. His fever isn't going down as quickly as the doctor had hoped, so they are reconsidering checking his shunt for infection. All of the tests they have done have come back ok. They show that he has a bladder infection and kidney infection, but that these should not be recurrent problems. If they decide to check his shunt and find infection, they will put him on antibiotics specific for that kind of infection and he should be just fine :)

We also found out that our documents have been filed in court in Taiwan so now we wait for a court date and pray that the judge sees the case quickly and makes his final decree so we can go get our sweet boy!

I will update again as I find out more...

1 comment:

Tara said...

I just get all nervous & excited for you guys when I read your updates. I can't imagine the anticipation!! I'll be praying for little guy to get well quickly so he'll be all ready to come home!
